Totara Upgrades
Lift and Shift

You’ve gotta move with the times
Totara is constantly upgrading but many suppliers do not keep their customers up-to-date. This means their customers are missing out on valuable features and ultimately will lose out on Totara support for their version.
If you feel you are being left behind, then we can help. Our team members love a lift-and-shift / data migration (whatever you prefer to call it) and are not scared by the integrations that need to be done to make it work. We actually love it.
Sit back, relax, we do the hard work
We listen
We have done so many upgrades that we have developed a tried and tested process that will make your life easy as we take the strain. It’s a 6-step process which we won’t go into now, instead let’s focus on the main bit that others forget.
We listen.
It sounds simple but its oft missed in the process. Our aim is to get a thorough understanding what you want to achieve. We dive deep and get to know you what you want enterprise wide. In doing this we can match what you want with the latest Totara can do, serve you better, and we may even save you money in the process.
In addition, older systems are often tied in knots with too many developments and unnecessary connections. We unravel them all and make it simple.
We plan, we develop, and we support

Don’t be shy!
Drop us a line
and one of our team will call you back